President of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) visits BJTU
Published in: 2025-03-26 Click on the quantity:

On the morning of March 17, 2025, Vice President Gao Liang met with a visiting delegation in Siyuan Building, including Ms. Jane Power, President of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE); Mr. Gary Joynes, an expert in the field of signal engineering; and Mr. Wang Wei, Executive Vice President of Traffic Control Technology Co., Ltd.
In addition to welcoming Ms. Jane Power and her group, Vice President Gao Liang gave a succinct overview of the university, including areas of expertise, international engagement, student development, and contributions to the country's rail transit sector. He thanked IRSE for its long-standing support in co-hosting international academic conferences, sharing research accomplishments, and encouraging the university's IRSE fellows and members to take part in various activities. He anticipated that in the future, both parties will keep enhancing talent development and academic exchanges in the area of railway signaling.
Ms. Jane Power expressed her gratitude for the university's warm reception and praised the long-standing exchanges and cooperation between the university and IRSE in various fields. She provided a detailed introduction to the current development of IRSE and stated that IRSE will continue to support the university's faculty and students in participating in its activities, promote personnel exchanges, and further advance collaboration in joint research and the co-organization of international conferences.

Representatives from the IRSE China Section and delegates from BJTU’s Office of International Affairs attended the meeting.
The Institution of Railway Signal Engineers (IRSE) was founded in 1912 and is a professional organization composed of engineers specializing in railway signaling and control systems. Headquartered in the United Kingdom, IRSE has branches in Hong Kong, Australia, India, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, and North America. In 2016, BJTU hosted the IRSE Technical Annual Conference and established the IRSE China Section, with Professor Ning Bin serving as the first chairman. The current chairman of the IRSE China Section is Prof. Tang Tao.