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White Paper on Sustainable Development of Transport in China

Published in: 2021-01-05    Click on the quantity:


Word of the Week--- White Paper on Sustainable Development of Transport in China



    《中国交通的可持续发展》(White Paper on Sustainable Development of Transport in China)是中国国务院新闻办公室(the State Council Information Office)发布的白皮书。白皮书2万多字,主要包括走新时代交通发展之路、从交通大国向交通强国迈进、服务决战脱贫攻坚和决胜全面小康、推进交通治理现代化、推动构建全球交通命运共同体、中国交通的未来展望6个章节。 20201222日,国务院新闻办发布《中国交通的可持续发展》白皮书。这是继201612月发布《中国交通运输发展(White Paper on the Development of China's Transportation)白皮书之后,国务院新闻办再次以政府白皮书形式,全方位展示交通运输工作及成就。


1222日,国务院新闻办公室发布《中国交通的可持续发展》白皮书。白皮书全面介绍了新时代中国交通发展成就,分享中国交通可持续发展的理念和实践。China released a white paper on the country's transport development on Dec 22 to provide a full picture of its achievements in the field and share its strategy and activities in building a sustainable transport system. The white paper, titled "Sustainable Development of Transport in China," was released by the State Council Information Office.

党的十八大以来,中国交通深入推进供给侧结构性改革(supply-side structural reform),综合交通网络( comprehensive transport network)规模和质量实现跃升,有力服务和支撑了经济社会持续快速健康发展。截至2019年年底,全国铁路营业里程(operating mileage )13.9万公里,其中高铁超过3.5万公里,位居世界第一;公路里程501.3万公里,其中高速公路15万公里,跃居世界第一;生产性码头泊位(production berth)2.3万个,其中万吨级及以上泊位数量2520个,内河航道( inland waterway)通航里程12.7万公里,位居世界第一。民用航空颁证运输机场238个。邮路和快递服务网络总长度4085.9万公里,实现了乡乡设所、村村通邮。当前,新冠肺炎疫情(COVID - 19)仍在全球蔓延,交通运输对于全球团结抗疫、恢复经济增长、增进人类福祉和实现可持续发展十分重要。中国将秉持人类命运共同体理念(a community with a shared future for mankind),落实联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》(Transforming our World:The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development),与世界各国一道,更好推进全球互联互通(connectivity)、民心相通(closer people-to-people ties),为建设繁荣美好的世界作出更大贡献。


Investments in new infrastructures such as 5G, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and industrial internet should be bolstered, while efforts should be strengthened to enhance investments in sectors including transport, water conservancy and energy, and shore up the weak links of rural infrastructure and public services.


交通强国 A country with strong transportation network

泛亚铁路 Kunming-Singapore Railway

两洋铁路 Twin Ocean Railway Connection Project

转向架   Bogie

编组站   Marshalling Yard

驼峰     Hump

高架轨道  Elevated Track

中欧班列 China Railway Express

干线铁路 Main Line Railway

宽轨铁路 Broad Gauge Railway

大秦重载铁路 Datong-Qinhuangdao Heavy-haul Railway

青藏高原铁路 Qinghai-Tibet plateau railway

市郊铁路 Suburban Railway

复线修建 Double-track Construction

城市轨道交通 Urban Rail Transit

高铁走出去” “Going-global” of High-speed Railway

智能交通系统 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

