Domestically-Built Aircraft Carrier
Published in: 2019-12-23 Click on the quantity:
Word of the Week--- Domestically-Built Aircraft Carrier
12月17日下午,我国第一艘国产航空母舰(China's first domestically-built aircraft carrier)山东舰(CNS Shandong)在海南三亚某军港交付海军(People's Liberation Army Navy)。中共中央总书记(General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee)、国家主席(President)、中央军委主席(Chairman of the Central Military Commission)习近平出席交接入列仪式(attended the commissioning ceremony)。
It has always been China's aspiration to have a strong navy, which serves as a key guarantee to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
中国人民解放军海军 People's Liberation Army Navy,缩写:PLAN或PLA Navy
海军舰艇 Chinese Naval Ship (CNS) 或PLA Navy Ship (PLANS)
航母战斗群 aircraft carrier strike/battle group
强国兴军building a strong country with a strong military
和平发展道路 the path of peaceful development