Word of the Week--- Transit Elevated Bus (TEB)
Published in: 2017-04-12 Click on the quantity:
Word of the Week--- Transit Elevated Bus (TEB)
“快速高架公交”(Transit Elevated Bus,TEB),也叫“宽体高架电车”,是一种集城市快速公交(Bus Rapid Transit,BRT)与地铁(subway)优点于一身的发明。车身总长度为58米-62米,总高度4.5米-4.7米,宽7.8米,分上下两层,上层载客,下层镂空。镂空底层高度为2.1米-2.2米,无论静止还是行驶,2米以下的小汽车均可自由通行(Vehicles with a height less than two meters will be able to drive under the bus)。
这款公交可搭载1200-1400名乘客,运力(carrying capacity)与一辆地铁列车相当,但造价却是地铁造价的16%-20%。此外,这款公交为纯电动车(electric vehicle),可以大大减少城市空气污染及碳排放(carbon emission)。
由中国原创发明的新型公共交通工具“巴铁”模型车将于今年8月亮相,并将在秦皇岛市进行试运行。这种公交车叫做“快速高架公交”(TEB),外形像一辆巨型的双层公交车,但是这款公交的底层是镂空的,乘客坐在上层,底层可供其他车辆通行。Called a Transit Elevated Bus, it looks like a giant double-decker but is hollow on the ground floor. Passengers can sit on the top floor while cars move below.
定制公交: Customized Shuttle Bus
交通拥堵: Traffic Congestion
车辆尾号限行: Traffic Restrictions Based on the Last Digit of License Plate Numbers