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发表于: 2022-01-05    点击量:



President Xi Jinping on Dec 14 called on Chinese artists and writers to boost their awareness of and confidence in Chinese culture, create new prospects for Chinese literature and art, and add new luster to Chinese culture. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the 11th National Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the 10th National Congress of China Writers Association at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.



文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。古往今来,世界各民族都无一例外受到其在各个历史发展阶段上产生的精神文化的深刻影响。今天,我们要进行伟大斗争、建设伟大工程、推进伟大事业、实现伟大梦想,都离不开文化所激发的精神力量。而要继承好、发展好自身文化,首先就要保持对自身文化理想、文化价值的高度信心,保持对自身文化生命力(cultural vitality)、创造力的高度信心。坚定文化自信,是事关国运兴衰、事关文化安全(cultural security)、事关民族精神(national spirit)独立性的大问题。





Artists and writers should firmly grasp the contemporary theme of national rejuvenation and closely integrate the pursuit of their artistic life with the future of China, the destiny of the Chinese nation and the aspirations of the Chinese people.

—— 20211214日,习近平在中国文联第十一次全国代表大会、中国作协第十次全国代表大会开幕式上发表重要讲话强调



The fundamental position of socialist literature and art is from the people, for the people and of the people. This is also the driving force for the prosperity of socialist literature and art.





policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend"



the prosperity of socialist literature and art





