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发表于: 2021-09-26    点击量:


全球发展倡议 Global Development Initiative




一是坚持发展优先(development first)。将发展置于全球宏观政策框架(global macro policy framework)的突出位置,加强主要经济体政策协调(policy coordination),保持连续性、稳定性、可持续性(continuity, stability, sustainability),构建更加平等均衡的全球发展伙伴关系,推动多边发展合作(multilateral development cooperation)进程协同增效,加快落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程。

  • 二是坚持以人民为中心(people-centered)。在发展中保障和改善民生,保护和促进人权,做到发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享(Development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of all the people.),不断增强民众的幸福感、获得感、安全感(the people's sense of happiness, gain, and security),实现人的全面发展。

三是坚持普惠包容(inclusiveness)。关注发展中国家特殊需求,通过缓债、发展援助等方式支持发展中国家尤其是困难特别大的脆弱国家,着力解决国家间和各国内部发展不平衡、不充分unbalanced and insufficient development问题。

四是坚持创新驱动(innovation-driven)。抓住新一轮科技革命(technological revolution)和产业变革(industrial transformation)的历史性机遇,加速科技成果向现实生产力转化,打造开放、公平、公正、非歧视的科技发展环境,挖掘疫后经济增长新动能,携手实现跨越发展。

五是坚持人与自然和谐共生(harmonious co-existence between human and nature。完善全球环境治理(global environmental governance),积极应对气候变化,构建人与自然生命共同体(foster a community of life for man and nature)。加快绿色低碳转型(transition to a low-carbon economy),实现绿色复苏发展。中国将力争2030年前实现碳达峰、2060年前实现碳中和,这需要付出艰苦努力,但我们会全力以赴。中国将大力支持发展中国家能源绿色低碳发展,不再新建境外煤电项目。

六是坚持行动导向(action-oriented)。加大发展资源投入,重点推进减贫(poverty reduction)、粮食安全(food security)、抗疫和疫苗(anti-epidemic and vaccines)、发展筹资(development financing)、气候变化(climate change)和绿色发展(green development)、工业化(industrialization)、数字经济(digital economy)、互联互通(connectivity)等领域合作,构建全球发展命运共同体。




President Xi Jinping on Sept 21 proposed a Global Development Initiative in steering global development toward a new stage of balanced, coordinated and inclusive growth in face of the severe shocks of COVID-19. "We must revitalize the economy and pursue more robust, greener and more balanced global development," Xi said in his statement delivered via video at the general debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly.





A world of peace and development should embrace civilizations of various forms, and must accommodate diverse paths to modernization. Democracy is not a special right reserved to an individual country, but a right for the people of all countries to enjoy. Recent developments in the global situation show once again that military intervention from the outside and so-called democratic transformation entail nothing but harm. We need to advocate peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, which are the common values of humanity, and reject the practice of forming small circles or zero-sum games.






more robust, greener and more balanced global development


foster global development partnerships that are more equal and balanced



