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发表于: 2019-03-25    点击量:


Report on the Work of the Government during the Second Session of the 13th National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China


【词义解析 Definition】:



【背景信息 Information】 (以下为节选)


For the government to deliver this year, we need to get the following relationships right.


First, we need to handle in a holistic way the relationship between domestic and international issues, and focus on running our own affairs well. China is still and will long remain in the primary stage of socialism; and it continues to be the world’s largest developing country. Development is the foundation of and key to solving all our country’s problems. We must pursue with dedication the central task of economic development, never falter in our commitment to the strategic thinking that development is of paramount importance and that it should be sound and of a high quality, and continue to unleash and develop productive forces. Against the backdrop of a complex and fast-changing international environment, we must maintain strategic focus and carry out work in accordance with the goals and plans already set. We should make better use of both international and domestic markets and resources, face challenges squarely, turn risks into opportunities, and remain firm in our commitment to pursuing development.


Second, we need to achieve the right balance in the relationship between maintaining stable growth and guarding against risks, to ensure sustained, healthy economic development. The many risks and potential problems that have built up over the years demand stronger mitigating action, but in doing so we need to observe objective laws and take the right approach. Our approach must be firm, controllable, and systematic, and it should be applied with the right degree of intensity. We need to defuse risks step by step in the course of pursuing development and decisively forestall any systemic or regional risks. Against the backdrop of mounting downward pressure on the economy, the policies and measures we adopt should ensure stable expectations, stable growth, and structural adjustments. In working to forestall and control risks, we need to get the pace and intensity right. We should see that the effects of tightening are not amplified, and we must never allow economic indicators to slide out of the appropriate range. At the same time, we must not attend only to immediate concerns or adopt short-term strong stimulus policies that will end up undermining long-term development and generating new risks.


Third, we need to balance the relationship between government and market, and energize market entities through reform and opening up. As long as market entities are energized, we can boost the internal forces driving development and withstand the downward pressure on the economy. We must work hard to advance reform and opening up, speed up the establishment of a unified and open, competitive and orderly modern market system, relax restrictions on market access, ensure impartial regulation, and create a business environment based on rule of law that is internationalized and enabling, in order to energize market entities.


Ultimately, market vitality and social creativity stem from the initiative of hundreds of millions of people being put into action. We must stay true to the vision of people-centered development and do everything within our capacity to meet people’s basic needs, resolve key problems affecting living standards, promote social fairness and justice, and help our people achieve better lives. The Chinese are an industrious and talented people and possess boundless potential for innovation and creativity. All we need to do is unleash that potential and the space for China’s development going forward will doubtless be vast.


统筹......的关系: handle in a holistic way the relationship between….

社会主义初级阶段: primary stage of socialism

毫不动摇: never falter

在国际形势复杂多变的背景下: against the backdrop of a complex and fast-changing international environment

敢于应对挑战: face challenges squarely

化解风险:defuse risks

规避风险:forestall risks

经济下行压力加大:mounting downward pressure on the economy

短期强刺激政策:short-term strong stimulus policies

只顾眼前问题:attend only to immediate concerns

激发市场主体活力:energize market entities

放宽市场准入:relax restrictions on market access

加强公正监管:ensure impartial regulation

市场活力:market vitality

源于: stem from

以人民为中心: people-centered development

释放潜能: unleash potential

一定:doubtless (可在表达中丰富词汇形式)

