发表于: 2019-03-18 点击量:
Word of the Week---
科创板- Science and Technology Innovation Board
科创板(Science and technology innovation board,可简称为the sci-tech board)由国家主席习近平于2018年11月5日在首届中国国际进口博览会开幕式(the opening of the first China International Import Expo in Shanghai)上宣布设立,是独立于现有主板市场的新设板块,并在该板块内进行注册制试点。
设立科创板并试点注册制(registration-based IPOs)是提升服务科技创新企业能力、增强市场包容性、强化市场功能的一项资本市场重大改革举措。
2019年1月30日,中国证监会发布《关于在上海证券交易所设立科创板并试点注册制的实施意见》。3月1日,中国证监会发布《科创板首次公开发行股票注册管理办法(试行)》和《科创板上市公司持续监管办法(试行)》。3月18日,上交所(Shanghai Stock Exchange)将正式受理各投行对科创板项目的申报,这也意味着科创板正式启动。
The sci-tech board, as well as experiment of registration-based IPOs, are expected to be a highlight of China's capital market reforms this year. Preparation has been in high gear since its proposal last November. It is expected to be rolled out as early as the first half of this year.
沪港通 Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect
跨境资金流动 cross-border capital flow
绩优股 blue chip
成长股 growth stock
交易所交易基金 Exchange Traded Fund, ETF
期货 futures
退市 delisting
上市公司 listed companies
外资 foreign capital