发表于: 2019-01-07 点击量:
Word of the Week---
The Master Plan for Xiongan New Area
中国政府网2日公布《国务院关于河北雄安新区总体规划(2018—2035年)的批复》。批复指出,经中共中央、国务院同意,原则同意(agree in principle)《河北雄安新区总体规划(2018—2035年)》(The 2018-2035 master plan for Xiongan New Area)。

The 2018-2035 master plan for Xiongan New Area is significant to build Xiongan into the national model of high-quality development and a new engine for the modern economic system, said the approval released on Wednesday.
The master plan is the fundamental guideline for the development, construction and management of the Xiongan New Area and should be strictly implemented, according to the approval.
2017年4月1日,中共中央、国务院印发通知,我国将设立对标深圳经济特区和上海浦东新区的河北雄安新区(Xiongan New Area),作为又一经济引擎,推动京津冀协同发展。设立雄安新区是以习近平同志为核心的党中央作出的一项重大的历史性战略选择,是国家大事、千年大计。
雄安新区Xiongan New Area
国家大事be of national significance
千年大计 a strategy crucial for a millennium to come
调整京津冀城市布局restructure the urban layout in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
非首都功能 noncapital functions