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发表于: 2018-06-01    点击量:


Word of the Week---

Demographic Time Bomb


经济学家将婴儿数量下降对未来劳动力的影响称作"人口定时炸弹(demographic time bomb)"。


当经济萎缩时,人们往往选择少生孩子(when the economy shrinks, people often opt to have fewer kids)。随着时间的推移,没有足够多的年轻人长大进入劳动力队伍,并支付社会保障(pay into social security),与此同时,越来越多的老年人需要照顾,这将成为社会的大问题。

美国可能面临生育难题(America may have a baby-making problem)。2017年,全美育龄妇女平均生育1.76个孩子,较2016年的1.82下降3%,生育率创下自1978年以来新低(that's the lowest fertility rate the country has logged since 1978)。专家将这一趋势归咎于两个主要因素(blame two primary factors for this trend):2008年经济衰退(economic recession)的影响,以及上大学的成本越来越高(the increasingly crippling costs of going to college)。

牛津经济咨询公司经济学家博斯蒂扬奇表示,过去10年里,出生率下降已对美国经济产生严重的影响(falling birth rates have already had a crippling effect on the US economy over the past 10 years),这种影响相当于将美国经济的长期增长率拖低了0.7%(the impact is equivalent to a 0.7% drag on the US' long-run growth rate)。


The US birth rate dropped to new low in decades, according to preliminary numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fueling fears of a "demographic time bomb".



未来劳动力 future labor force

推迟生育 postpone fertility

冻卵 freeze eggs

晚婚晚育 late marriage and late childbirth




