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发表于: 2018-04-16    点击量:


Word of the Week---

Boao Forum for Asia



博鳌亚洲论坛(Boao Forum for Asia),成立于2001年,是一个非官方(non-official)、非营利性(non-profit)、定期(regular)、定址(with a permanent site) 的国际组织,也是第一个把总部设在中国的国际会议组织。

博鳌亚洲论坛成立以来,规模和影响不断扩大,深化区域合作(deepening regional cooperation)不断深化,促进了亚洲国家的共同发展,成为联接中国和世界的重要桥梁和兼具亚洲特色(Asian characteristics)和全球影响(global influence)的国际交流平台。



2001: 亚洲的新曙光 (The dawn of Asia)

2002: 新世纪、新挑战、新亚洲:亚洲经济合作与发展

(New Century, New Challenge, A New Asia: Economic Development and Cooperation

2003: 亚洲寻求共赢:合作促进发展

     Asia Searching for Win-Win: Development through Cooperation

 2004: 亚洲寻求共赢:一个向世界开放的亚洲

Inclusive Development: An Asia Open to the World

2005: 亚洲寻求共赢:亚洲的新角色

Asia Searching for Win-Win: New Role of Asia

2006: 亚洲寻求共赢:亚洲的新机会

(Asia Searching for Win-Win: The New Opportunities for Asia

2007: 亚洲寻求共赢:亚洲制胜全球经济创新和可持续发展(Asia Winning in Today's Global Economy Innovation and Sustainable Development


Green Asia: Moving towards Win-Win through Changes

2009: 经济危机与亚洲:挑战与展望(Asia: Managing Beyond Crisis

2010: 绿色复苏:亚洲可持续发展的现实选择

Green Recovery: Asia's Realistic Choice for Sustainable Growth

2011: 包容性发展:共同议程和全新挑战

Inclusive Development: Common Agenda & New Challenges

2012: 变革世界中的亚洲:迈向健康与可持续发展

Asia in the Changing World: Moving toward Sound and Sustainable Development

2013: 革新、责任、合作:亚洲寻求共同发展

Asia Seeking Development for All: Restructuring, Responsibility and Cooperation

2014: 亚洲的新未来,寻找和释放新的发展动力

Asia's New Future: Identifying New Growth Drivers

2015: 亚洲新未来:迈向命运共同体

(Asia's New Future: Towards a Community of Common Destiny

2016: 亚洲新未来:新活力与新愿景

 Asia's New Future: New Dynamics and New Vision

2017: 直面全球化与自由贸易的未来

 Globalization and Free Trade: The Asian Perspectives

2018: 开放创新的亚洲,繁荣发展的世界

An Open and Innovative Asia for a World of Greater Prosperity

今年的话题有数字经济:智慧的价值(Digital Economy: Rediscovering the Value of Human Wisdom)”,新零售(the new retail)。还各有一个分论坛和圆桌会议(roundtable)专门讨论区块链——“再谈区块链(Blockchain: In Plain Words and In Practice)”区块链:理念,技术与应用(Blockchain: Theory, Technology & Application)”

同时,今年话题还有“‘一带一路:成功案例与经验分享(The Belt & Road: Case Studies & Success Stories)”改革开放40年:中国与世界(40 Years of Reform & Opening: China and the World)”,未来的交通(The Future of Transportation)”未来的生产(The Future of Production)”未来的通信(The Future of Communication)”转型中的农村与农民(The Marginalized Rural Asia)”,还有体育产业进化论(Potential of Sports Industry)”等话题。


The Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018 officially opened on April 10th in Boao, Hainan Province.



岛屿经济  island economy

湾区经济  bay area economy

包容性发展 inclusive development

陆地资源 land resources

海洋资源 marine resources

21世纪海上丝绸之路 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road

经济增长极 an growth nucleus of the economy

技术变革的领头羊 an innovation hub

强大的集聚外溢功能 powerful agglomeration spillover

发达的国际交往网络 advanced international exchange networks

粤港澳大湾区 Guangdong-HK-Macao Greater Bay Area

物联网 Internet of Things

智慧家居 smart home

远程服务 remote service

外场支援 field support

虚拟现实 virtual reality

增强现实 augmented reality

量子通信 quantum communication

数字化知识和信息 digital knowledge and information


