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发表于: 2018-03-29    点击量:


Word of the Week---

A country with strong transportation network



所谓交通强国(A country with strong transportation network) 大体包括:基础设施能力(infrastructure capacity)比较充裕,运输服务(transportation services)要提质增效(improve quality and efficiency),绿色交通(green transportation) 要优先发展,交通科技(transport technology)要领先,要安全,国际影响力(global influence)明显增强,治理能力(governance capacity)需要大幅度提升。在国际影响力方面,要成为全球交通治理体系(global transportation management system)的重要引领者;在交通科技方面,要进入世界交通强国(A country with strong transportation network)的前列;交通服务要实现个性化的定制服务(customized service),智能交通要满足多样化、个性化、高品质的交通需求。



交通运输部部长李小鹏在国新办(The State Council Information Office37日举行的新闻发布会(news briefing)上表示,我国现在虽是交通大国(A country with large transportation network),但距离交通强国(A country with strong transportation network)还有相当长的路要走。

交通部部长李小鹏介绍了我国铁路公路网扩张的最新情况(expansion of the country's rail and road networks)


"By the end of 2017, the total mileage of China's operational railway reached 127,000 kilometers, among which the mileage of high-speed railway was 25,000 kilometers, ranking No. 1 in the world. The total mileage of roads in service was 4.77 million kilometers, among which the mileage of expressway was 136,000 kilometers, also ranking No. 1 in the world."


第一步,20202035年,基本建成交通强国(basically building China's strength in transportation),使我国进入世界交通强国的行列(join the ranks of countries with strong transportation network);

第二步,2036到本世纪中叶,全面建成交通强国(finishing building China into a country with strong transportation network),使我国进入世界交通强国前列(become leading powers in the world in terms of transportation)。




Modernization of road freight is the foundation of becoming a country with strong transportation network.



泛亚铁路 Kunming-Singapore Railway

两洋铁路 Twin Ocean Railway Connection Project

转向架   Bogie

编组站   Marshalling Yard

驼峰     Hump

高架轨道  Elevated Track

中欧班列 China Railway Express

干线铁路 Main Line Railway

宽轨铁路 Broad Gauge Railway

大秦重载铁路 Datong-Qinhuangdao Heavy-haul Railway

青藏高原铁路 Qinghai-Tibet plateau railway

市郊铁路 Suburban Railway

复线修建 Double-track Construction

城市轨道交通 Urban Rail Transit

高铁“走出去” “Going-global” of High-speed Railway

智能交通系统 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)


