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发表于: 2018-03-29    点击量:


Word of the Week---Island-looping High-speed Train Line



环岛高铁线路(Island-looping High-speed Train Line)是全球第一条热带地区环岛高铁(island-looping high-speed railway in the tropics)。由海南东环铁路 Hainan Eastern Ring High-Speed Railway)和海南西环铁路 Hainan Western Ring High-Speed Railway)组成,连接海口至三亚,属于有砟轨道(ballast track)。环线铁路全长653公里,全线设25个车站(25 stops along its route),其中西段16个车站,设计速度(design speed) 200公里/小时。乘坐高铁环岛一周(traveling around the whole island)最快仅需3小时10分钟左右。全长345公里的西环高铁在既有的海口站和三亚站与东环铁路接轨形成闭环(closed circular line)。



“坐上高铁去环岛”,海南人民百年高铁梦想近日终于实现!20151230日,全球首条环岛高铁线路在我国最南省份的海南全面贯通了。(China's southernmost province of Hainan has commenced operations of the world's first island-looping high-speed train line.),标志着中国高铁取得了突破性的发展 making a major breakthrough),也标志着海南加速驶上“一带一路”(“Belt and Road” Initiative)快车道。海南环岛高铁的开通运营形成了“环岛3小时经济圈”(3-hour island-looping economic circle)。海口美兰机场、三亚凤凰机场也串联起来,实现空铁无缝对接(seamless connection of air and rail),属全国首例。
  环岛高铁为海南开启了全新窗口(Open a new window),它作为海南国际旅游岛现代化交通基础设施(transportation infrastructure)的标志,是全球唯一的环岛高铁, 对推动中国制造走出国门、加快中国高铁走向世界具有重要的示范作用。(It has an important demonstration effect on promoting “going global” of China's manufactures and speeding up the development of China's high-speed railway on the world stage.)




The Island-looping High-speed Train Line in Hainan Province is the world’s first island-looping high-speed railway in the tropics.



The Island-looping High-speed Train Line covers 653 kilometers with 25 stops along its route.



两洋铁路 Twin Ocean Railway Connection Project

转向架   Bogie

编组站   Marshalling Yard

驼峰     Hump

高架轨道  Elevated Track

中欧班列 China Railway Express

干线铁路 Main Line Railway

宽轨铁路 Broad Gauge Railway

大秦重载铁路 Datong-Qinhuangdao Heavy-haul Railway

青藏高原铁路 Qinghai-Tibet plateau railway

市郊铁路 Suburban Railway

复线修建 Double-track Construction

城市轨道交通 Urban Rail Transit

高铁“走出去” “Going-global” of High-speed Railway

智能交通系统 Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)


