发表于: 2014-11-28 点击量:
Word of the Week-Surrogate Exam-taker
“替考者”的英文表达是surrogate exam-taker,也可称为ghost writer(枪手)。
央视报道了有人组织武汉在校大学生“枪手”前往河南杞县等高考考点参加替考事件。替考组织者称,找他的都是县里“有钱人、当官的”。为顺利通过检查,替考的大学生在手指上戴上被替考者的fingerprint film(指纹膜),便可通过检查。替考组织通常在考前一个月就为“枪手”制作了被替考生的指纹膜。
So far, Henan province has discovered 127 surrogate exam-takers in the gaokao, the national college entrance examination, according to the announcement from the admissions office.
- down payment定金
- expelled from college从大学被开除
- handed in to public security bureaus移送到公安机关
- key universities at the provincial level重点一本大学
- major universities at the national level名牌大学