发表于: 2014-12-14 点击量:
Word of the Week--National Memorial Day
国家公祭日,英文可以用“National Memorial Day”来表达,是国家为了纪念曾经发生过的重大民族灾难而设立的国家祭日。二战后,主要参战国政府纷纷推出国家级哀悼日,以国家公祭的形式来祭奠在惨案中死难的国民,增强现代人对国家遭受战争灾难历史的记忆,目前已成为国际惯例。波兰的奥斯威辛集中营大屠杀纪念馆、美国的珍珠港事件纪念馆、俄罗斯卫国战争纪念馆、日本的广岛和长崎原爆纪念馆等,每年都举行国家公祭。
Two national memorial days are to be marked, according to draft resolutions being reviewed by the top legislature. One of the days, on Sept 3, will mark victory in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1937-45), while on Dec 13, victims of the Nanjing Massacre will be commemorated.
- 抗日战争War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
- 国家主权National Sovereignty
- 领土完整Territorial Integrity
- 战争罪行War Crimes
- 日本侵略者Japanese Invaders
- 南京大屠杀Nanjing Massacre ['mæsəkə]
- 死难者 Victims