每周一词第66期—“长途漫游费” Word of the Week--- long-distance and roaming fees
发表于: 2017-03-23 点击量:
漫游费指在手机号码归属地以外的地区使用电信服务(use telecom services in places other than where the phone number is registered)所产生的额外费用(extra fees)。手机漫游费是2G时代的产物(a product of the 2G era),随着4G的快速普及(rapid popularization of 4G services),流量(traffic data)已经取代语音通话(voice call)成为运营商最大的收入来源。三大电信运营商(three major telecom carriers)近日均表示将取消国内漫游费,降低部分国际漫游费,转而寻求云计算(cloud computing)、大数据(big data)等新的业务增长来源(seek new sources of business growth)。
5日,国务院总理李克强在政府工作报告中指出,今年网络提速降费要迈出更大步伐(do more to increase broadband speed and lower rates for internet services),年内全部取消手机国内长途和漫游费(mobile rates for domestic roaming and long-distance calls will be cancelled),大幅降低中小企业互联网专线接入资费(rates for broadband services for small and medium enterprises will be slashed),降低国际长途电话费(rates for international calls will be lowered),推动“互联网+”深入发展(push forward with the Internet Plus action plan)、促进数字经济加快成长(speed up the development of the digital economy)。
6日,工业和信息化部副部长陈肇雄在国新办发布会上表示,今年10月1日起将全面取消手机长途漫游费(remove completely the domestic long-distance and roaming tariffs for mobile users)。下一步,工信部还将扩大国内互联网网间带宽,提升互联网国际出入口带宽能力,推进农村宽带全覆盖(full coverage of access to broadband networks in rural areas),完善老旧小区光纤入户政策;规范企业资费行为(regulate the tariff-setting behaviors of enterprises),促进良性竞争(promote healthy competition),持续优化电信市场环境(continue to improve market environment of telecommunications)。
China’s three major telecom carriers announced on Monday they will scrap domestic long-distance and roaming charges starting Oct 1, following Premier Li Keqiang’s promise in the Government Work Report.
流量:traffic data
宽带: broadband networks
互联网+: Internet Plus
云计算:cloud computing
电信运营商:telecom carriers