第六十八期—户外外交-Tie-less Diplomacy
发表于: 2017-04-02 点击量:
“户外外交”(tie-less diplomacy or outdoor diplomacy)也叫“不打领带的外交”。在“不打领带”的外交场合中,虽然两国之间一般不会发表公报(communique)或签署联合声明(joint declaration)、协议等重要文件,但往往能起到意想不到的效果。在这类非正式的场合中,两个国家的领导人可以一起在在庄园(manor)、农场(farm)、海边(seaside)等休闲地点的小道上走走聊聊,这种仅限于两人或者最多加上翻译的私密会谈(private talks)是非常有效的沟通方式,更适合畅所欲言(open dialogues),有助领导人之间建立私人信任(personal trust),这对于两国关系的发展有重要作用。
2017年3月25日,正在悉尼访问的李克强总理与澳大利亚总理特恩布尔(Turnbull) 把外交舞台从会场“搬到”了户外。从郁郁葱葱的植物园,到热情爆棚的球场,经历了前一天的连轴转(working day and night),两国总理得以放慢脚步,进入不打领带的“户外外交”(tie-less diplomacy) 模式。
On the morning of March 25, during a tie-less walk with Turnbull in the Royal Botanic Garden, Li chatted with local Australians in English, and cheerfully took selfies with Chinese tourists and his Australian counterpart.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang took a casual harbor walk and watched an exciting Australian football game with his Australian counterpart Malcolm Turnbull, extending his tie-less diplomacy to strengthen the ties between the two peoples.
Private, informal talks in a casual, beautiful environment are an extension of traditional diplomacy, and often work well to cultivate personal friendship and help iron out differences.
Premier Li Keqiang’s tie-less diplomacy in Australia invigorated bilateral ties.
To help resolve international disputes, the Secretary-General may carry out mediation or exercise tie-less diplomacy behind the scenes.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部
Embassy 大使馆
Legation 公使馆
Consulate-general 总领事馆
Consulate 领事馆
Ambassador 大使
Minister 公使
Minister Counselor 公使衔参赞
Counselor 参赞
First secretary 一等秘书
Second secretary 二等秘书
Third secretary 三等秘书
Attaché 随员