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发表于: 2017-11-20    点击量:


Word of the Week---Head-of-state Diplomacy




元首外交(head-of-state diplomacy)指的是由国家实际掌握最高决策权(highest decision-making rights)的首脑人物,一般为国家元首或政府首脑(head of government),直接出面以多种方式参与和处理对外事务(foreign affairs)的外交方式。

元首外交在世界外交史上占有十分重要的位置。国家领导人(state leaders)是国家对外政策的最终决策人(final decision maker),首脑之间的直接交往不仅可以避开外交上的繁文缛节(red tape)和纠缠不清的技术细节,还可以通过个人之间的情谊,调和甚至一定程度上化解国家之间的矛盾,这在历史上的先例可谓不胜枚举。



On November 9th, Chinese President Xi Jinping met with US President Donald Trump at the Great Hall of the People.


President Xi Jinping and visiting US President Donald Trump agreed on maintaining the strategic leading role of head-of-state diplomacy in developing bilateral relations.

双方认为,今年以来中美关系取得重要进展。中美关系事关两国人民福祉,也关乎世界的和平、稳定、繁荣(China-US relations concern not only the well-being of both peoples, but also world peace, prosperity and stability)。合作是中美两国唯一正确选择(cooperation is the only viable choice for China and the United States),共赢才能通向更好未来。

双方同意,加强两国高层及各级别交往(increase exchanges at various levels),充分发挥4个高级别对话机制作用(give a full play to the four high-level dialogue mechanisms),拓展经贸、两军、执法、人文等领域交流合作,加强在重大国际和地区问题上的沟通和协调(enhance communication and coordination on major international and regional issues),推动中美关系得到更大发展。习近平主席表示:双方要按照两国元首确定的方向,规划中美关系发展路线图,就重大敏感问题增信释疑。(Both sides should draw the future roadmap for the development of China-US ties, and increase trust and defuse doubts on major and sensitive issues in line with the goal set by the heads of state.)



President Xi Jinping and visiting US President Donald Trump agreed on maintaining the strategic leading role of head-of-state diplomacy in developing bilateral relations.


大国外交 major country diplomacy

地区和平、稳定与繁荣 regional peace, stability and prosperity

新的历史起点 a new historic starting point

高级别对话机制 high-level dialogue mechanisms

扩大共同利益 expand mutual interest


